I hope you have all had a wonderful week! We have been very busy in Room 27! There is a lot of information in this post, please take the time to read over it. :)
Chicken BBQ
The Chicken BBQ is just 2 short weeks away. Our PTA has been working very hard to get everything set up. If you would like to purchase tickets, please send in the order form (sent home a few weeks ago in Friday folders) with your student and PTA volunteers will return the bag with tickets included. I will be sending home a list of all the fabulous auction items when I get it. :) This is our big fundraiser for PTA and we are very lucky to have such a wonderful and generous PTA at RBE.
Books Read
The students asked me to make a "Books Read" section of the blog, so I created a page and will update it weekly of all the books that have been read aloud to the students. I love sharing wonderful books with them! Here is our list so far. If you have fabulous picture books you think I should share with the class, please let me know!
Custodian Day
October 2 is Custodian's Day, so we celebrated today, since the 2nd is on Sunday. The students each created a key that said something they appreciate that Mr. Jim (our custodian) does around the school. Then we glued them to a big key and the kids sang a cute song to tell Mr. Jim thank you for all his hard work!
Crayon Day
We were very colorful today for Crayon Day. One of the kids had the idea to hold their hands up like the top of a crayon. They are so creative!
Fabulous Front Teeth (or a fabulous gap if they are missing)
As promised, here is our class and Ms. Mottaz's class showing off their pearly whites. :)
We will have a Veteran's Day assembly on November 9. I will send out the time once it is finalized. The students will be performing a song at the assembly. Please your child wear red, white and blue to school on November 9. Also, there will be a slide show of veterans. If there is a veteran in your family that you would like recognized in the slide show, please send a picture of teh veteran as well as their name, your child's name and how they are related to Mrs. Sharp. Her email is esharp@cpsk12.org.
Maker Space
Today in MakerSpace, the students made duct tape bookmarks today. They made two bookmarks, some students are bringing both home, others are bringing one home and kept one at school.
Book It
In your student's Friday folder is the Book-It note as well as the calendar to keep track of minutes read. The goal for 2nd grade students is to read 300 minutes during the month. If they do their normal homework plus 5 minutes a night, they will reach their goal. They can, of course, read more than 300 minutes a month if they would like. To receive their pizza for October, they need to have their reading completed in October and have their calendar turned in by November 2.
McTeacher Night
McTeacher Night is Tuesday, October 4 at the Nifong McDonald's. This is a fundraiser for the schools. Rock Bridge Faculty and Staff will be there throughout the event which runs from 4 p.m.-8 p.m. I will be there from 4:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. It's a great way to raise money for RBE and then you don't have to cook dinner. :)
Bird Day
Our Bird Day field trip is October 12. Thank you to everyone who has send in the form about lunch that day. If you haven't, please send back the form so I can let the cafeteria know how many lunches we will need from them. It will be a very fun day for the students and they learn a lot about birds from the Audubon Society.
Social Studies
Today, we challenged the kids to define culture, civics, history, geography and economics. At the meeting I went to on Monday with the Social Studies coordinator for Columbia Public Schools, he discussed the importance of students knowing a common vocabulary in social studies from elementary school all the way through high school We first showed them the words and they discussed with a partner, then showed them pictures and they discussed, then labeled the pictures with the 5 vocabulary words and they changed their definitions and ultimately came together to create definitions for each word. I am so impressed with how hard the students words. They did an awesome job creating these definitions. As we were discussing geography, we looked at Google Earth. The students absolutely loved it, so they may be asking you to get on Google Earth at home. :)
History: something that happened a long time ago (in the past), items or events that are really old
Culture: things that represent different countries, differences among countries, people of different countries
Geography: study and use of maps, land
Civics: government
Economics: study of money
Next Week's Learning
Next week in math, the students will continue working on money identification and value. They will work on a project called "T-Shirt Factory" where they apply their knowledge of place value to determine how many boxes are needed to ship t-shirts. The students are doing a fabulous job with place value and I can't wait to see them apply this knowledge!
Next week in reading, we will be working on strategies to use when they come to an unknown word. I will have a book mark for students to use at home that has all the stratgies on it. Please encourage your student to use these strategies when reading at home. It is very important for them to know what to do when they come to an unknown word because if they don't have strategies for unknown words it can cause them to not comprehend what they read.
We finished our final lead today. They have created a sound lead, talking lead, question lead and an action lead for their story. On Monday, they will get with a partner to pick the best lead for their story and then write the beginning. The beginning of their story should have a lead, introduce characters and the setting. After they have completed their beginning, we will start our middle.
We will be learnin all about birds next week in science. We will learn about different adaptations birds have that allow them to survive. The students will also learn about different types of beaks and what type of food the different birds eat based on their beak. This will get them ready for bird day!
We will start our Reading Intervention next week. This is a 30 minute block of time each day where all students will be working on reading. Some will be working independently and some will be working in small groups. Some students will be in a group with myself and some will be in a group with Ms. Mottaz. We will be working on decoding strategies (strategies for unknown words), fluency (not reading like a robot and using expression) and comprehension (understanding what they read).
Have a fabulous weekend!
Mrs. Ross