Friday, September 2, 2016

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!

I hope you are all looking forward to the three day weekend!  The kids shared a lot of fun things they had planned for the weekend!  Here is what our plan is for next week and some pictures from today.  :)

Next week in reading, we will be working on identifying the setting of a book.  We will focus on both when and where the story takes place.  We have discussed this in our writing, so will carry it over to identifying it in books we read.

Next week in writing, we will work on "A Day in the Life of a Second Grader."  This will be a fun piece of writing for them to share with you at Curriculum Chat on September 20 from 7:45-8:15 a.m.  This writing will walk you through their day at school.

We took our math test today and after grading them, I have decided we need to review the directions, as some students didn't get all parts of the questions answered.  We are going to review the directions and any concepts they have questions about and then they will correct their test.  They have shown me this week that they understand the concepts, but it's also important for them to read and follow all the directions.  These tests will be coming home next week.  I was very proud of how hard they worked and how quiet and respectful they were of classmates as they finished their tests.

The rest of the week, we will focus on addition and subtraction word problems.  We will also introduce place value.  Please continue practicing math facts at home.  If you would like blank copies of the math wizard tests, just let me know and I can send some home with your student.

We have a fun science experiment planned for next week.  We will be working on making hypothesis based on things we already know and then conducting an experiment to test our hypothesis.  

As a reminder, homework starts next week.  Under the homework tab is directions for math games as well as directions for our homework.  The homework is only 1 page for the entire week, students will complete 15 minutes (or more) of reading each night and one section of math.  I will go over directions for the homework with the students on Monday.

This week's spelling test will be coming home in next week's Friday folder.  Our spelling words for next week are your, should, some, about, other, being, look, like, own and why.  Please practice these words with your student.  These words are considered "trick" words because they don't always follow traditional spelling patterns or can't be sounded out correctly.  We will start our word sorts in the next few weeks.

Ms. Mottaz and I will be sponsoring a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) Club this year.  There is an information/permission slip in your student's Friday Folder.  We have a lot of fun activities planned.  We are taking the first 40 permission slips we get, so if your student is interested, please return the form on Tuesday.

Emily Arrow
Mrs. McKinzie has booked Emily Arrow to come perform at our school.  Emily Arrow takes children's books and turns them into songs that she performs with her guitar.  She is extremely talented and the students really enjoyed watching videos and listening to her music today.  Her website has videos of her music.  It can be found here.  She will be coming to RBE in December.  It should be a really fun and exciting performance for the students!

PE/Library Days
We will have PE on Thursday next week.  Please make sure you student is wearing tennis shoes.  As a reminder, our library check out day is Wednesday.  Please make sure your student brings their library books back so they can get new books to enjoy.  :)

Other Awesome RBE Blogs
I have added a new tab to our blog.  It contains blogs from some of our specialists teachers.  Please take the time to check it out!  The have some good information about the awesome things occurring in their classrooms.

Maker Space
We had our first Maker Space today.  Maker Space is on Fridays in the library and Mrs. McKinzie plans fun activities for the students.  Today the students played with Snap Circuits which are really neat.  The students lit light bulbs, played music through speakers and made fans fly through different circuits.  They really enjoyed it!

We had a fabulous week in Room 27!  I hope you had a fabulous week and have an even better weekend!

Mrs. Ross

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