Drop Off
Students should be dropped off in at the parent pick up area. As a school, we are asking that parents stay in the car and simply let the student out of the car. Students will then go to the cafeteria to get breakfast if needed and then go to the classroom.
We will have a snack each day. Students will be expected to bring their own snack each day. Please send in a healthy snack (no candy) for your student. If you are unable to provide your student with a snack, please let me know. If you would like to donate snacks to our classroom, thank you in advance, and they need to be individually wrapped and store bought.
Birthday Snacks
Birthdays are always fun to celebrate at school. We have 21 students in our class this year.
There are some changes/restrictions on birthday snacks this year. If your student would like to bring in a birthday snack to share with the class, snacks MUST be in the classroom for a minimum of 72 hours before we celebrate the birthday. Birthday snacks need to be prepacked and individually wrapped (Rice Krispie treats, individual bags of cookies, etc.) To help, I will send out a reminder at the end of each month for birthday snacks for the next month to be sent in if your child is planning to celebrate at school. Please write your student's name and birthday on their birthday snack when they bring it in. I will store them in the classroom and we will celebrate on your child's birthday.
I will post pictures of our celebrations on Twitter so you can see them.
We will be eating lunch in the classroom this year. Students will have a choice to bring their lunch of buy their lunch. If your student is buying their lunch, they will have the choice between a sack lunch or a hot lunch option. Students will walk down to the cafeteria to get their lunch and then return to the classroom. Students purchasing a lunch will say their name (first and last) to the cafeteria worker. If you would like, students can practice wearing their mask and saying their first and last name clearly at home.
If your student is bringing their lunch from home, please make sure they have all utensils needed and are able to open all parts of their lunch.

Recess will look a bit different this year. Students will be going outside for recess, but will not be playing on the equipment. Students will stay with their class and do an activity/game organized by myself or a classroom aide. This is to allow students to stay in their stable group.
Students will not have nightly homework. I do encourage them to read for 15-20 minutes a night. They can also practice math using the HomeLinks that are sent home or doing ST Math. I also recommend students practicing their Trick Words in Fundations. I will post the trick words on the blog each week. If students would like, I would love for them to make a short video on Seesaw telling me about what they read or enjoyed from their book or how they practiced math or trick words. The video could be made at home or during morning work time using their school iPad.
If your student is going home a different way than normal, please make sure to email me AND let the office (shschulte@cpsk12.org or akorschgen@cpsk12.org) know as well. This helps to ensure that your student gets home the correct way.
Please know that at this time, bus passes will not be given, so students CANNOT ride the bus home with another student.
More information will be coming soon about the specifics of dismissal.
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