I hope you have had a wonderful week! The students have worked very hard in the classroom this week. There is a lot of important information in this post, so please take the time to read it. :)
No School on Monday, September 26: Teacher Work Day
We have Picture Day on Tuesday, September 27. If you are planning to order pictures, please send in the packets on Tuesday or if you have ordered online, please send in the receipt.
Recess Attire :)
I realize this part of the post seems silly with the crazy temperature we have had this week, but the forecast is cooler next week. :) We have our morning recess at 9:50 a.m. and it can still be a bit chilly, especially on cloudy days. Please check the forecast and send a light jacket with your student if it isn't going to be really hot. It isn't fun at recess if you are cold.
Friday Folder Papers
There are some important papers in the Friday folder, so I just wanted to give you a heads up on some of them. :)
Flu Clinic
The student flu clinic is October 3. If you would like your student to participate, please fill out the consent form and return it with your student. If you have already returned the form for this year's clinic, your student is already on the list. :)
Peanut Free Classroom
We are now a peanut free classroom. In the Friday folder is specifics regarding what it means to be a "Peanut Free Classroom." If you have questions, please let me know and we appreciate your understanding as we want all students to be safe at school.
Bird Day Field Trip
We will be going to the Audubon Bird Park on October 12. In your student's Friday folder is information about the trip. We will be eating lunch at the park, so your student will need to bring a sack lunch from home (all disposable containers please) or will need to purchase a sack lunch from school. If your student needs to purchase a lunch, please indicate this on the form so we can let the cafeteria know how many lunches are needed.
MU Consent Form
We are very lucky to have MU in Columbia and have MU students come into the classroom to help the students. In the Friday folder is a consent form for the MU students to use work samples (no names) from students. Please read over the form, check the appropriate statement at the bottom and return the form to school with your student.
Favorite Color Day
Service Club has started planning Spirit Days for the school. Our first spirit day is next Friday, September 30. It is Favorite Color Day. If your student would like to participate, they can wear as much of their favorite color as possible. :) We will look like a bag of Skittles in Room 27!
Next Week's Learning
We focused on identifying the problem in a story this week. Next week, we will work on identifying the solution in a story. We will also discuss other possible solutions for the problem. The students did a nice job identifying multiple problems in the stories we read this week.
The new Otis book, Otis and the Kittens came out this week, so we read it today and identified the problem in this book. We also compared this Otis book to the other Otis books. If you haven't read the Otis books, I highly recommend them. They are about a tractor and his adventures with his friends on the farm.
This week, we worked on identifying our setting and characters in our story. Next week, we will continue working on components of our beginning. We will learn about different types of leads (the first sentence of a story to grab the reader's attention) and they will choose the best one for their stories. After they have choosen their lead, we will write their beginning which includes the lead, introduces the character and setting.
Next week, we will wrap up place value. The students have done well representing a number using standard form (just the number), expanded form (writing the number out as a number sentence) and place value blocks. We will also start talking about money. It is a smooth transition from place value because pennies are ones, dimes are tens and dollars are hundreds.

Expanded form of 123.

Place value blocks to represent 233.
Social Studies
The students learned about the U.S. Symbols the last two weeks. Today, we introduced the students to the Constitution. We discussed the Preamble and used the book We the Kids to explain the meaning of the Preamble. We also discussed some of the freedoms that citizens of the United States have. The started a project where they will show their favorite symbols and freedoms of the United States.
Have a wonderful weekend and remember, no school on Monday.
Mrs. Ross
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