We have had a great week in
"Moss World" this week!
Coming home in
your child's Friday Folder is a P/T Conference confirmation sheet. We
have tried our very best to make sure that your child's conference time
corresponded with what you requested. Please fill out bottom portion of
this sheet and return with your child by Wednesday(no school on
We have P/T
Conferences starting on Wednesday and going through the February 15. We
are looking forward to meeting with everyone!
Scholastic Book Fair
Below you will
find the Book Fair hours. Make sure that you make a plan to check it
out! If you
would like to volunteer at the Book Fair check out this link.
2/12 7:30 AM-5:00 PM
2/13 7:30 AM-5:00 PM
2/14 7:30 AM-5:00 PM
2/15 7:30 AM-7:00 PM
2/16 8:00 AM -11:00 AM
2/20 7:30 AM-3:00 PM* -Special Friends and Family Day!
Special Family & Friends Day
Special Family
& Friends Day is Tuesday, February 20. On this day family &
friends are invited to go to specials with their student's class. Second
grade specials are from 1:35-2:25. Mottaz students will start at Music
and then go to Media, and Ross students will start at Media and then go to
Music. With specials being at the end of the day, if your child's special
family and friend would like to take your child to the Book Fair visitors are welcome
to arrive at school by 1:15 to take students to the Book Fair. The Book
Fair will also be open after school. If your child's special family or
friend will be taking your child home at the end of the day, please make sure
that you write a note or send us an email!
2nd Trimester Student
As a reminder,
information came home in your child's Friday Folder last week on a fun surprise
that we are planning for the class. Please remember to be working on this
and bring it to your child's P/T Conference. If
you need a new copy of the banner you can click here or email me!
Valentine's Day Party
Our last class
party will be on February 14 at 1:45-2:30. The class parties are always a
highlight for the students! Please checkout the classroom party sign up
to sign up for items that are needed for the party or to volunteer to help out
at a station. Click here to
sign up!
Your child will
have an opportunity to exchange Valentines if s/he would like.
- Your child can exchange
with students only in his/her homeroom class (23 students) or with
students in both classes (46 students). We only ask that your child
send in Valentines for the entire class - please do not let your child
pick & choose who s/he wants to send Valentines to.
- We have found that it is
easier to not address the Valentines (not fill in the "To") and
only fill out the "From" line.
- We will be passing out
Valentines BEFORE the party, so please make sure that you send any Valentines
with your child at the beginning of the day.
If your child
would like to make a Valentine mailbox s/he can; however, this is not a
requirement. We will give all students an opportunity to decorate a bag
to collect their Valentines.
What's Been Happening in
2nd Grade:
- Math: This
week, we finished up Unit 5. We will share this assessment at
conferences. Next week we will start Unit 6. In unit 6 we will
be talking about different data displays (bar graphs, picture graphs),
solving number stories (word problems), and continuing to talk about
different strategies to solve addition problems.
- Writing: The
kiddos are doing a great job publishing their first informational book on
their research animal! They have finished writing their words and have
been working on adding nonfiction text features to their writing.
They are doing so good with this and we can't wait to share their writing
with you at conferences!
- Reading: We
have continued to talk about making inferences. When you make an
inference you pick out clues from the text and use your schema to draw a
conclusion. Next week, we will focus on identifying the main idea in
nonfiction texts.
- Science: We
started talking about ecosystems. We have had conversations about
the woodlands/forest, prairie, and pond ecosystems. We started
learning about food chains and food webs. We talked about that
everything starts with the sun, and we already know that about the
importance of water for an ecosystem. There also always has to be producer
(plants). We made connections to that herbivores are primary
consumers and that secondary consumers are carnivores. We have also
touched on decomposers. The major difference between a food chain
and food web is that a food chain starts with the sun, then producer,
primary consumer, and then secondary consumers (bigger animal eats only
one smaller animal); however, in a food web it shows animals eat a variety
of animals.

Maker Monday
On Monday, we had
an opportunity to go and build in Maker Space. The students had a blast
building with Legos, Zoob Builderz, Magnet Tiles, Knex, and Keva Planks. Some
students even worked on putting together a 500 piece puzzle!
Special Visitor
Mrs. Ross's
father, Mr. Giles, has a new puppy, Blu! He is a Blue Heeler. Blu
had an opportunity to come to second grade today and we were happy to see him!
5th Grade Colonial Visit
In fifth grade,
students dive deeper into Colonial life, and learn more about different jobs
and life of Colonist. We got to visit Mrs. McGinty's classroom and
experience her class's living museum. The students had fun being able to
learn a little more about Colonial life and it was neat to see had Social
Studies connects from second to fifth grade!
McTeacher Night
McDonalds is
hosting a McTeacher Night on March 6 from 4:30-8:00. Mark it on your
calendar! This is the perfect reason to not cook and come and see all of
the teachers from RBE. We look forward to seeing you there - more
information to come when I will be there!
I hope that you
have a wonderful weekend and enjoy watching the Super Bowl! Please
remember that Monday is a Teacher Work Day to help us prepare for grade cards
and conferences.
Mrs. Ross
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