It has been so
nice to get back into a school routine of a "normal" week.
Coming Home In Friday Folders:
- Yearbook
Order Forms - Yearbooks are $7. If you would like to
purchase a yearbook, you can either order online or return the order
envelope with payment. The deadline to order a yearbook is February
- 2nd Trimester
Student Banner - Please read over the information about a fun way
to celebrate your child's hard work over the first two trimesters.
The sheet below and a banner is coming home in your child's Friday Folder.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
As a reminder,
Parent/Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. If you have not
filled out & returned your time request for your child's conference it is
due by Wednesday, January 31. If you need another sheet you can either
click here or email me!
We will be
holding Parent/Teacher Conferences over two weeks (February 6-15).

The Scholastic
Book Fair will also be open February 12-16 and on February 20 for Special
Family and Friends Day. So make sure that you plan a time to check it
out...there will be LOTS of great books that your kiddo will enjoy!
Special Family & Friend's Day
RBE will have a
Special Family & Friend's Day on February 20. Family and friends will
have an opportunity to visit your child's special classes. We have
specials from 1:35-2:25. More information will be coming out soon about
this event, but I wanted to make sure that it was marked on your
calendar. If the family or friend that comes to visit would like to take
home your child, please make sure that you either send us an email or write a
What's Been Happening in 2nd Grade:
- Math: This
week in math, we are finishing up Unit 5. We have been talking about
different strategies that can help us to solve word problem. Below
you will find the strategies that we have talked about. Next week,
we will be taking the Unit 5 test. A few weeks ago we sent home the
Home Links for Unit 5 - these are a great resource to review what we have
been learning with your child.
- Writing: We
are continuing to work on publishing our first informational writing on
the animal each student researched. We have worked on adding a Table
of Contents and Glossary to our book, and next week we will add nonfiction
text features to help the reader understand more about our animals.
- Reading: We
have been talking about the importance of making inferences as we
read. We know that we have to use our schema and clues from the
text. We will continue to work on making inferences as we read.
- Science: We
started talking about the different ecosystems that animals live in.
We talked about the importance of water in an ecosystem. We know
that animals can be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores. Next week,
we continue to learn about more ecosystems and about food webs.
100th Day of School

We had a great
100th day of school yesterday! We made a class book about what we thought
we would be doing when we were 100 years old - we have some really creative
kiddos and they came up with such fun things that they think they will be doing
in 90+ years! We also had an opportunity to see what 100 seconds felt
like as we did a variety of things (example: jumping jacks or high
fives). Today the students wrote a poem titled "100." We
will be sharing these with the class throughout next week.
Guest Reader
Mrs. Neale was
our guest reader today! She taught us about Duke Ellington. We were
able to listen to some of his music, and hear two books about music: Duke
Ellington and Ben's Trumpet.
Tech Talk and Book Talks
Mrs. McKinzie
came in today and gave us a Tech Talk. She shared how to troubleshoot
frequent problems when we are on the laptop. She also showed us
everything that is on the Media Center website - we will be taking advantage of
some additional websites when we research for our second informational writing!
Mrs. McKinzie
also came in to share her January Book Talk with us! She shared some
great books: Thelma the Unicorn (which will be at the Book
Fair next month), Read the Book, Limmings, and Malala's
Magic Pencil (which we snagged right after the Book Talk and read to the
kiddos - GREAT book!).
6 Flags Read to Succeed

A 6 Flags Read to
Succeed form came home in your child's Friday Folder earlier this month.
If your child would like to receive a FREE 6 Flags ticket, this form needs to
be completed and returned to Mrs. McKinzie by March 1 - no forms will be
accepted after this date. All your child needs to do to earn a FREE 6
Flags ticket is to read for 6 hours and log the book and times read on the
form. If you have additional questions about this program you can contact Mrs.
Valentine's Day

- Party: Our
classroom Valentine's Day Party will be on February 14 at 1:45. More
information will be coming out about the party soon.
- Valentine
Exchange: We will be having an opportunity to exchange
Valentines before the party.
- Currently,
we have 23 students in your child's homeroom class
or 46 students altogether in the Moss classroom.
Your can choose whether or not your child wants to do Valentine's for
only the homeroom class or for both classrooms. We only ask that if
your child participates in the Valentine exchange that they provide
Valentines for an entire class (not just pick & choose who they give
Valentines to).
- We
have found that it is easier to pass out Valentines to not fill out the
"To" line but just fill out the "From" line.
This allows for the students to quickly pass out Valentines and not have
to search for specific bags.
- Valentine's
- Each
student will have an opportunity to design a Valentine's Day bag to
collect Valentines in. However, if your child would like to bring
in his/her own mailbox that is okay. We ask for you to clearly
label the mailbox with your child's name.
As a reminder,
Parent/Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. If you have not
filled out & returned your time request for your child's conference it is
due by Wednesday, January 31. If you need another sheet you can
either click here or email me! If we do not receive your sheet on
Monday, I will be sending home an additional sheet. Thank you and we look
forward to meeting with everyone!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Mrs. Ross
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