I will be super glad to be able to enjoy a full week of school
next week! This week was a short week and was full of schedule changes
- so I am (and so are the kids) looking forward to a regular week.
This week, we
talked about the voting process in social studies; reviewed what belongs in a
small moment story, thought of an idea for our next personal narrative and started writing our second small moment story; and talked about patterns when
adding +10 to a number.
Learning for
Next Week:
- Reading: We will be starting a
Fable Unit. On December 2, we will have an assembly. Talking Horse
production will be coming to RBE and present the "The Tortoise and
the Hare." The week of November 28-December 2 will be Fable
Week!!! I am very excited about this week, but to get the kids
ready for this week we will building a foundation of what a fable is.
We will be discussing traits of a fable (chart below), morals, and
how the problem of the story is related to the moral.
- Math: We will continue to look at adding +10 and +100.
- Writing: We will be finishing up our second small moment story next week. Today, we went over the rubric (below) that we will be using to grade their more independent small moment story. Our goal is for this piece of writing to be completely finished by the end of next week.
- Science: We will be continuing our conversation about states of matter from last week. We have a super fun (and yummy) science experiment that the kiddos will get to enjoy that includes a solid, liquid and a gas.
- Word Study: Our spelling words next week are focusing on long a vowel patterns of CVCe & ai. Next weeks words are: blame, snake, fame, taste, brain, paint, chain, wait, main & stare (stare is an oddball word).
No School Tomorrow
We do not have school tomorrow due to Parent/Teacher
Junior Achievement
We started Junior Achievement on Wednesday. This is a program where local business people volunteer their time to come teach the students about economics. The second grade topic is "Our Community." Our volunteer, Mrs. Cutler, had a conversation with the students about community, needs, wants and jobs. The students learned about different jobs in a community and then played a fun game to learn about why all the jobs are needed. We have 4 more classes with Mrs. Cutler.
Meals of Wheels Food Drive
Remember to be sending in peanut butter for the food drive.
The food drive runs through November 29. The goal this year is to
make 125 Snowy Day bags for Meals on Wheels clients when there is inclement
weather. Thank you for your support of Meals of Wheels!
Book Fair
If you were unable to make it to the Book Fair this week
(Hours Today: Hours Tomorrow:) and would like to purchase books you can
order online through November 12. Click here to order online.
Emily Arrow Literacy Night
The Emily Arrow Literacy Night is December 7th at 6:00 -
Woodcrest Chapel (to accommodate more people). Please let us know if you
& your family are planning on attending Emily Arrow Literacy Night by
filling out the online
RSVP. At the bottom of the RSVP there is also a spot for you pre-order
signed CD.
Have a fabulous weekend and again, a HUGE thank you for coming to Parent Teacher Conferences. I enjoyed getting to share all your student's hard work!
Mrs. Ross
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