I hope you have had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather today. Typical Missouri weather, 38 degrees this morning and sunny and 60 now. :) This will be a slightly longer post, but it has a lot of important information!
United Way Fundraiser
WOW!!!!!!! Thank you to you and your kids for being so generous. Just in two days, we have raised $142.25 for United Way. We will be collecting money through next Friday if you would like to donate money. It is a wonderful cause that does a lot for people in our community. Also, we have been practicing counting money with the change that has been brought in.
Adjective Parade
Just a reminder that our Adjective Parade is next Friday, October 28. We will be parading around the school. Your student needs to create their item (hat, shirt, etc.) at home. If you need help coming up with an idea or creating the item, please let me know. Please have your student bring their item on Thursday. This way we know if anyone needs assistance getting their item completed.
Parent Teacher Conferences
I can't believe it's already time to start planning 1st Trimester Conferences. This year is flying by. Conferences will be the week of November 7. In your student's Friday folder is the form to request times. Please send it back as soon as possible so I can get the conferences scheduled. If you aren't able to come at any of the times offered, please let me know and we will set up a different time.
Missouri Credit Union
In your student's Friday folder, you will find information about a contest being put on by one of our Partners in Education, the Missouri Credit Union. If student would like to participate, they can go to any Missouri Credit Union branch and get a mini Hank (it's a small piggy bank). Then they decorate it and ask a parent kindly to upload it to Instagram, after the deadline, Missouri Credit Union will have a random drawing and one winner will get a $250 Kirby Savings Account. There are more specific directions in your student's Friday Folder.
Fall Party
Our Fall Party is next Friday, October 28 at 1:45 p.m. Our party theme is mummies and it sounds like it is going to be a great party. As a reminder, students are not allowed to wear a costume.
No School on October 31 or November 8
Thank you for your continued support with homework. Please have your student do their math homework in pencil. This way if they make a mistake, it can be erased and corrected. Even though homework isn't collected until Friday, I do check it each morning. I have told the students it is their responsibility to bring their homework to their parents to have it signed. Again, thank you for your support!
Weather Expectations
As the weather gets cooler, please remember our expectations for recess attire. We use the feels like or windchill for the expectations listed below.
- 60 or above: t-shirt
- 45-59: Light jacket or sweatshirt
- 44 or below: Winter coat and any mittens, hat, gloves, etc. they brought.
Picture Retake
Pictures will be coming home on Monday or Tuesday of next week. The office has been in contact with the photography company since we have retakes next week. If your student is doing picture retakes, they will need to bring their pictures back and retakes will be on Wednesday, October 26.
Next Week's Learning
Next week, we will be reviewing story elements (characters, setting, problem, solution). We will be enjoying some Halloween books and having students identifying the story elements. Then they will create a story elements haunted house.
We will be working on CUPS and ARMS next week in writing. ARMS are used to revise a story and then CUPS are used to edit a story. The students have worked really hard on their personal narratives so next week we will put the final touches on them and get them published. I will be sharing these at conferences.

We will be doing research about bats next week. The students will be identifying important information from book and then writing this down to use for a bat project later in the week.
The students have been getting a lot of practice with counting money through our United Way fundraiser. We will finish up counting money and arrays next week. We will work on counting with dollars and coins next week. Then we will work on drawing arrays and making matching addition sentences. Please continue to practice facts at home. It is important for them to know their facts "in a snap."
Our spelling skill for next week is long and short u words. We will be using the same patterns of CVC anc CVCe words next week.
Long vowels: June, rude, tune, flute, huge, cute
Short vowels: plus, shut, cut
Oddball (means it fits the spelling pattern, but doesn't follow the rule of the vowel sound): put
Music Celebration
The students enjoyed their celebration in music today. I'm very proud of their hard work to earn the celebration.
We had MakerSpace today and the students got to play with Ozobots. These are small robots that are coded to change colors based on the color of the marker used to make the path. The students really enjoyed it.
A few kids got to play with the Dash robots, but not everyone, so I will be setting up a time for Mrs. McKinzie to bring them into the classroom so everyone can enjoy them.
It sounds like the kids have some wonderful weekend plans whether it be MU homecoming activities or other fun things to do. Enjoy this beautiful weather and have a great weekend!
Mrs. Ross
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