I hope you have all had a wonderful week. The students have worked very hard this week and we are all very excited about the BBQ. :) There is a lot of information in this post, so please take the time to read it!
Chicken BBQ is TOMORROW!
The auction list came home yesterday. The auction is over at 6:30 p.m. As a reminder, we have a class picture and a pizza party in the Teacher Town section of the BBQ. Also, the Day on the STEAM Bus will be up for auction also. This is going to be a fabulous opportunity for whichever class has the winning student in it. :)
The Chicken BBQ is tomorrow! The RBE PTA has put in a lot of work for a fabulous BBQ tomorrow. I will be working the Drive Thru from 3:30-6:00 and then will be walking around to the games afterwards. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Next Week's Learning
Next week, we will be working on counting coins. We had planned to get to that this week, but they were working so hard on their T-Shirt factory posters (presented yesterday), that we pushed it back to next week. We will also start working on arrays. These are ways to group numbers. It will be a very basic introduction into multiplication, but knowing that connection between repeated addition, grouping and multiplication will be very helpful to them in 3rd grade.
Please continue practicing math facts at home. We have some kids that are very close to becoming Math Wizards!
The students created a bird this week and wrote a description. We decided to do this because we weren't able to go to Bird Day as planned. They created some very fun birds and did a nice job describing them as well. Next week, we will be writing our middles and endings of our personal narrative. The goal is by the end of next week to be reading to edit. We have a fun acronym for editing and revising. It is CUPS and ARMS. We have very briefly introduced this to the kids and will go more in depth once we are ready to edit and review our stories.

The students did a fabulous job with summaries this week using the strategy of Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then. Next week, we will learn about retells and the differences between summaries and retells. The main difference is in a retell, you give a lot more details than in a summary.
Social Studies
Today, the students enjoyed 3 books about presidents, Grace for President, Duck for President and So You Want to Be President. Then they wrote about what they think they would be a good president. Next week, we will be revisiting what they would do as president and discuss the importance of it being what is best for the entire country.
Spelling Words
We will continue to work on CVC and CVCe words next week. We will be focusing on long and short o words next week.
Long o words: joke, stove, broke, hope, those
Short o words: clock, chop, rock, job, spot
Adjective Parade
Please be thinking about what adjective your student would like to represent for our Adjective Parade on October 28. They can create one article of clothing (hat, shirt, etc) to represent their adjective. Their article of clothing should be created at home. If you need assistance getting it created, please let me know. It should be a fun day to show everything they have learned about adjectives!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the BBQ tomorrow!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Ross
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