I hope your week is off to a great start! We have had a wonderful first two days of the week in 2nd grade! I wanted to send out some reminders and information about things we have coming up this week.
Library Check Out
Our library check out day is Wednesday. Please help your student to remember to bring their library books back tomorrow so they can check out new books. If they need to recheck out a book, as long as another student doesn't have the book on hold, they can recheck them out tomorrow. As I mentioned last week, students will be expected to check out two books they can read independently and one book they can read with someone at home if they choose.
Math Wizard
Tomorrow is Wednesday, so we will have our weekly Math Wizard test. Please remind your student to practice their facts at home. We discussed this morning, it will only take about 5 minutes a night to study their facts and they will quickly have them down "in a snap." Students can be quizzed verbally, use an app, write down facts or there are games online. There are a lot of fun ways to practice facts!
ST Math
Students have started using ST Math again this year. This is a fun program that has games online for the students to play. They have a picture password which they should know. They can access ST Math through the school website or use this link. These games review skills the have learned in kindergarten or first grade and also introduces new skills they will be learning this year.
Math "Test" Friday
On Friday, we will have a math "test." I use that term loosely because it will be an opportunity for the students to show all the different strategies they have learned to solve addition and subtraction problems. They have learned number lines, drawing a picture, tally marks, number bonds, part-part whole charts, tens frames and the commutative property. The goal is for the to learn all the strategies and then as we progress throughout math this year, they will use the strategies that work best for them..
Example of a part-part whole chart
4 + 6 = 10
Example of a number bond
7 + 3 = 10
Example of a tens frame
Example of a number line
We will start homework next week. The students will have approximately 20-25 minutes of homework per night. They are expected to read for at least 15 minutes (and get this initialed nightly) then complete one section of math. There will be four sections of math, one night is math facts, one night is games and the other two nights are a review of what we have learned in class. Here is a blank template for the homework so you can see how it will be set up. Here is the homework template and here is a color coded homework to show where parents are expected to sign each night. :) Please let me know if you have any questions.
I am very proud of all the students hard work these first few weeks of school. I also appreciate all the wonderful support from home! I truly feel we are all a team working together to make the students successful!
Have a wonderful evening!
Mrs. Ross
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