Friday, November 6, 2020

Happy Fall Friday!

 Happy Friday!

I hope you have had a wonderful week!  It seemed like a short week since we had work days, but the kids worked so hard the 3 days I saw them this week!

Friday Folders

  • Please look over your student's checklist, initial it and return it in the Friday folder on Monday.  
  • In the Friday Folder this week is information about fluoride treatment, book fair flyer and your student's progress report.
  • The progress report does not have actual grades on it for this trimester.  There are comments about how your student is doing in each subject area.  You do not need to sign and return it.
Book Fair
  • Our book fair is virtual this year and goes live on Monday morning.  Below is a link to a video about how to access the book fair.
  • Below is a link to the promo video we watched today about the book fair (we only watched the first half, the second half is for grades 4-6)
  • As a school, we get Scholastic dollars to purchase additional books for the school based on the profits that we make.
  • If you would like, please take some time to do book some shopping from the comfort of your own home.
  • The link to the book fair will be on the RBE website starting Monday morning.  

Important Upcoming Events

  • Friday, November 13-No School 
  • Wednesday, November 25-Friday, November 27: Thanksgiving Break (No School)
  • We will start our Reading Intervention on Monday.
  • Students are placed in groups based on their area of need.
  • Students do have activities in Seesaw with links or other activities, these activities are only to be done during our Read Intervention time.  They are not expected to work on them at home.
  • Some of the activities that are links will always be in their activity feed as they need to access the link, but again, they are not expected to work on this at home.

Birthday Snacks

  • If your student would like to celebrate their birthday at school, we would love to celebrate with them.  They can bring in prepackaged, individually wrapped snacks to share with the class. Please email me if you plan to send in birthday snacks so I can make sure we have time in our day to celebrate.  :)

Pumpkin Book Characters

  • I was so impressed by the pumpkin book characters.  Thank you for helping your student get the pumpkin and get it completed.
  • We got to do a gallery walk today and Ms. Mottaz (my co-teacher most years who is teaching virtually this year) and her class tried to Zoom in and see our pumpkins as well, but technology didn't work so they saw the pictures on Twitter.
  • Be sure to check out Twitter for pictures!

Wednesday Work

  • Just a reminder that Wednesdays are still school days (not this week, but most weeks) and students do have work to be completed on those days.
  • They will have a trick word packet to complete and return and then are expected to do some reading and math as well.
  • They will receive their November choice board next Tuesday.  These are activities they can do in addition to their trick word packet, reading and math practice.
  • We will also have our normal Wednesday Zooms at 8:00 a.m. for Second Step and also a Fundations lesson.


  • Your conference time is listed in your student's Friday folder.  I did my best to fit everyone in at one of the times they requested.
  • We will be using our class Zoom link for all conferences.  There will be a waiting room set up and I will let you in at your scheduled time.
  • Please understand I have 15 minutes scheduled for each conference and I will have to stick to our schedule.  If we hit the end of our conference time and there are still things you would like to discuss, we can set up another time.
  • I'm looking forward to meeting with everyone and sharing how your student is doing in school.

Next Week's Learning


  • We will be wrapping up Unit 2 next week.
  • Students will be making inferences about characters and also identifying the central message or theme in the story.
  • We have been working hard to identify evidence from the story that supports our answers.
  • Inferences are something fun to practice at home.  It's kind of like a guessing game.  You could give your student clues to what you will be having for dinner and see if they can guess and ask them how the clues help them.  
  • Please continue to have your student read at home. 


  • We will continue writing our opinion writing about the character Yeh-Shen.  The students wrote their introduction and first paragraph this week.
  • We will also be publishing this piece next week.


  • We took our Unit 2 math test today.  It will be coming home next week.  Please look over the test with your student and then sign it and return it.  This allows me to know you have reviewed the test.
  • We will start Unit 3 on Monday.  It continues to work on addition strategies and also starts moving into subtraction strategies.


  • We will wrap up our study of plants and animals next week.  We will be learning about bees and how they help to pollinate flowers.


  • We will continue working on multisyllabic words next week.  We will also learn about the suffixes of -ful, -less, -ness, -ment, -able,  -en and -ish.
  • Our trick words are against, knew, know, always, often, once.
Have a fabulous weekend!

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