We have had a different kind
of week, but the even with school being a little out of routine, the kiddos did
great! Thank you for a wonderful Special Family & Friends Day.
I know that the students being able to show off what they are doing in Music
& Media was a wonderful opportunity.
2nd Trimester Pizza Party
On Friday, March 2, we will have our 2nd Trimester Pizza Party. Students will get 2 slices of cheese pizza, chips, fruit/veggie and a dessert. They can bring a drink from home if they would like. It needs to be 20 ounces or less and no glass. If they do not bring a drink, we will have cups for water.
Read Week!
We have a tradition at RBE
that the first full week in March we celebrate the joy of reading! So
Read Week will be March 5-9. We will have a different themed dress-up day
as a school. Students will have an opportunity to design a bookmark, and
we have times throughout the week that we will "drop everything and
You Be a Mystery Reader?
Another fun tradition is to
have Mystery Readers come in to our classroom and read. We would LOVE to
have you (or other family members & friends) to come share a favorite book
from your house (or we can provide one for you)! We have a variety of
openings throughout the week (Monday-Thursday) for readers to come in and read
to the class. Please check out the SignUp Genius with the dates/time
slots that we have available - click here
for the SignUp Genius. Sometimes, mystery readers like to bring in a
snack to share that goes along with the book - this is completely optional, but
if you would like to do this please make sure that it is peanut/tree nut free.
- Yearbook: If
you are wanting to order a yearbook for your child, you have to place your
order by February 28. Yearbooks are $7.00. You can either turn
in your form with money or you can order online - if you want to order a
yearbook click here.
- Six
Flags Read to Succeed: If your child is wanting to participate in Read
to Succeed and earn a free 6 Flags ticket, the reading log is due on March
1. Please make sure to sign the log at the bottom. Remind your
child that the form is in their folder, so that it gets turned in because
no late forms will be accepted.
- Family
Eat Out Opportunities to Support RBE:
- March
1-3 at Jersey Mike Subs - If
you want more information check out the flyer by clicking here.
- March
6 is McTeacher Night at McDonalds on Nifong (4:00-8:00) - If
you want to check out the flyer click here.
- Countdown
to Kindergarten: If you have a child who will be entering kindergarten
in the fall or if you know someone, check out the flyer about enrollment
on March 8 from 4:00-6:00. If
you want more information click here.
- Summer
School: If you are wanting your child to attend summer
school, please fill out the enrollment
paper that was handed out at conferences or you
can enroll online by clicking here.
- Summer Enrichment: If you are looking for additional summer opportunities for your child you can check out CPS Enrichment Summer School which is July 10-27. You can check out the information by clicking here.
- March 1-3 at Jersey Mike Subs - If you want more information check out the flyer by clicking here. Coming home in your child's Friday Folder is a Jersey Mike's Sub card for a regular sub with a donation of at least $2.00 for RBE PTA. It says FREE Sub but we wanted to make sure that you knew that there has to be a DONATION to receive the sub.
What's Been Happening in 2nd Grade?
- Math: This
week, we focused on different strategies of adding multi-digit
numbers. We talked about using base ten blocks to help us add larger
numbers, and adding together partial sums. Below you will find an
example of both of these strategies. Next week, we will be finishing
up Unit 6 and taking our end of unit test. We will also be starting
Unit 7 which will work on adding numbers, data collection, and
This example shows using base ten (place value
blocks) to solve a three digit plus a three digit number.
This example shows adding together partial sums to
solve a two digit number.
- Writing: This
week, we picked two topics that are similar (example: two animals, two
people, two countries, etc.) for our "Which is Better" research
project. The students put their researching skills into practice on
Thursday and Friday by researching not one but two topics! If you
aren't following us on Twitter (@MossRBE) you missed out on our Tweet
& pictures about this - so start following us or look at the sidebar
on the right of our blog page to see what you've been missing!
- Reading: This
week, we have continued to focus on identifying the main idea of
nonfiction passages and articles and the supporting details. We
talked about the main idea being like the surface of the table and the
supporting details the legs of the table. The students have a good
understanding of this concept! Next week, we will look at fictional
texts and begin to have a conversation about theme.

- Word
Study: This week, we looked at different long i vowel patterns
(igh, y & CVCe words). Next week, we will continue our
conversation about long i vowel patterns. Next weeks words will look
at the patterns igh, icc, and y.
Next week's words are: light, sight, fright, fight, wild,
kind, child, wind, fry & spy.
- Science/Social Studies: Next week, we will be starting to have a conversation about geography. We will be looking at a world map and talking about temperature. We will also talk about where water is found on Earth and by thinking of the location explaining why the water would be likely to be salt or fresh, warm or cold, and solid or liquid.
Informational Book Writing Celebration
This afternoon,
we had an opportunity to share the informational books that we worked so
incredibly hard on! The students were placed in small groups and they
read out loud their books. The students shared out facts that they
learned from what other student's studied. Since there was a
"hole" lot that they "donut" know about animals that they
wanted to learn, at the end everyone had a chance to celebrate their hard work
by enjoying donut holes! The informational book that the students wrote
are coming home in his/her backpack.
Free Read Friday
After library
checkout, we always have an opportunity to read for 30 minutes. Today
they enjoyed their books, and just looked so cute reading that I wanted to
share a few photos!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Mrs. Ross