I hope that your family had a
wonderful Halloween. If you have a picture of your child dressed up in
his/her Halloween costumes - we would love to see it! You can email me a
picture or send in a picture. I can't wait to see all the costumes!

Nut Free Classroom
Our classroom is
now a peanut and tree nut free classroom. Please make sure that you
child's daily snack do not include peanuts, peanut butter or nut
products. They also cannot be processed where peanuts have (or may have been) processed. Thank you in advance for checking your child's ingredient list
on his/her snack. The items you pack in your child's lunch box do not have to
be peanut free. A
note and a list of different snack options that are peanut free are coming home
in your child's Friday Folder (or click on the link).
Special Things Happening
Next Week
- Parent/Teacher
Conferences are up in full swing! Last week, you
received your parent/teacher conference time - we have had some this week
and most are next week. This is the first year that Mrs. Ross &
I are doing our conference together, and both of us like to talk - so we
will be setting a timer to help us stay on track and be respectful of your
time. We are looking forward to meeting with everyone during this
- The Book
Fair will be set up in the Media Center next week. A flyer
came home last Friday with some of the books that will be on sale and the
kiddos were super excited! On Monday, we will get a chance to tour
the book fair and the kids will have an opportunity to make a wish list.
- Progress
reports will be coming home on Wednesday for any families
that we met with on conferences earlier than Wednesday. If we have a
scheduled conference time with you on Wednesday or Thursday, we will give
you your child's report card then.
- We will
have a Veteran's Day Assembly on Wednesday at 9:30.
Mrs. Sharp has been working hard with the kids on learning some patriot
songs as a tribute to the veterans who will be coming to the assembly on
- Flu
Clinic is on Thursday, November 9, for any student who has a
signed permission slip turned in.
- As a
reminder, we will have no school next Friday, November 10,
due to conferences.
- Please
help your child remember to bring a jacket/winter coat next week. On
many of the days the high will be in the 50's - which would mean it will
be in the 40's when we take our morning recess.
Upcoming Fun the Following Week!
- Our
first trimester pizza party is scheduled for November 15. Your child
can bring a special drink (Gatorade, juice, soda) to enjoy. If you
choose to send in a drink for your child, please make sure that the
container is not glass. Your child will still need a snack to enjoy
in the morning.
- Our
November school-wide celebration will be stuffed animal day on Friday,
November 17.
Meals of Wheels Food Drive
Just as reminder
that 2nd grade is bringing in peanut butter for the food drive. If you are
wanting to donate a jar of peanut butter the table is set up in the foyer
outside the RBE office. All food items are due by November 14.
What's Been Happening in 2nd Grade?
- Math: This
week, we talked about a variety of strategies to solve subtraction
problems. We learned about counting up and back, and the rule
when +0 or +1. Today we learned about In/Out Boxes. We
talked about the rule and if a number went in, what number would come
out? Below are a few examples. Next week, we will continue to
talk about subtraction strategies of doubles, counting back 10 and
counting up 10.

- Writing: This
week, the students began to write their rough drafts of their second
personal narrative. This is a lot less teacher led, so it is a
better representative of what the child is able to do. Next week, we
will continue to work on this piece of writing by editing and revising.
- Reading: This
week, we focused on using context clues to figure out made up words.
In a small text, there was a made up word and in our reading small groups
we talked about the clues that the author gave us to figure out what the
unknown word was. We had to be word detectives! :) Next week,
we will be answering questions from the text and specifically talking
about how to refer back to the text to answer questions.
- Science: We
will be starting our states of matter unit next week. We will be
talking about solids, liquids, and gases.
- Word
Study: We will continue to work on short and long vowel
word patterns next week. Next week we will focus on short
vowel (CVC) and long vowel (CVCe) words.
Next week's words are: vote,
rule, safe, wipe, space, which,
lots, tall, spend. club.
I hope that you have a
wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Ross
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