A few reminders!
Wednesday: Bird Day Field Trip (8:45-12), students need a sack lunch
Saturday: Chicken BBQ, Ms. Mottaz and I will be working the drive thru until 6:00. Stop by and say hi!
Homework Club
This week we had
our first Homework Club celebration. The students who brought back their
homework completed during the last 2 weeks ate lunch in the classroom on
Monday. They were excited to have a little more extra time to eat and enjoy
a "Magic School Bus" video as they ate!
Please remember
that it is an expectations that students complete 15 minutes of reading,
practice their spelling words, and play a math game (online or games provided)
or practice math facts for 10 minutes each night. Please make sure that
you are initialing in the literacy spot (for your child completing their
reading & spelling homework) and in the math spot (for completing math
homework). We are about a month in to weekly homework and overall I feel that
it is going well. Please let me know if you have any questions about
Spirit Day - Western Attire Day!!

Next Friday,
October 13, will be Western Attire Day. Your child can wear western
clothes in support of the Chicken BBQ on October 14. I cannot wait to see
all the cowgirls and cowboys that we have on Friday!
Chicken BBQ
We are SO excited
for the 60th Annual Chicken BBQ!
Make sure to
check out the items that our class is putting in the Teacher Town section of
the Silent Auction!!
- We will
have two class photographs that are signed by each of the students.
- We will
have two craft projects that are created by all the students.
- We will
have two pizza party lunch certificates for the winner and two friends.
Next week, I will
send out a blog post (or email) that includes a picture of the items that we
will have in Teacher Town - so you will know what to be looking for!
Pizza Party
Yesterday a form came home in your child's homework folder about
our end of the trimester pizza party. At the end of each trimester, we
have a pizza party for the students as a celebration of all their hard
work. We ask for a one time $5 donation from each student to help cover
the cost of the pizza. We also ask for volunteers to donate chips,
healthy side or dessert for the students. If you have not had a
chance to fill out and return this form, please do so by October 20.
Pumpkin Reading
Here are some examples:

- Students
will get a small (we said between a softball and basketball size) pumpkin
to decorate to represent a character from a book.
- The
student is expected to transport the pumpkin themselves, so please make
sure they can carry it without assistance.
- The
student needs to decorate the pumpkin at home.
- Please
do not carve the pumpkin, as they rot faster when carved.
- Students
need to complete a short book report on the book. They need to
identify the title, author and character. They need to describe the
character, explain if they liked the character or not.
- It
needs to be about a book the student has read or have had read to
- If
the book they are using is from school, they can borrow a copy for the
presentation. You can also check them out at the school library or
the public library if you don’t own the book.
- If
you look on Google, there are a lot of other examples. 😊
- If
you are not able to get your student a pumpkin, please let me know and I
will get them a paper cut out to decorate.
- The
student needs to bring the pumpkin, the short book report and the book to
school on October 24th.
Bird Day!!
On Wednesday,
October 11, we will have our first field trip in 2nd grade! We will be
going to Audubon Bird Park.
- We will be leaving
around 8:30 and returning about 12:30.
- Clothing: Please make sure
your child is dressed appropriately for the weather - we will be outside
for the entire field trip so a jacket maybe appropriate for the early
morning time. We will be walking so please have your child wear
tennis shoes.
- Lunch: If you selected
that you would be sending a lunch with your child that day on the field
trip form, please remember that EVERYTHING in the lunch needs to be
disposable. Please send your child's lunch in a gallon size bag with
his/her name clearly marked. If you selected a school lunch, it will
be ready for your child that day!

Today we had a
bird lab to help get ready for our Bird Day field trip. The students
learned about the different adaptations that birds have to help them to
survive. Some of the materials that the kiddos used were tongs, straws,
slotted spoons and tweezers to replicate the different type of bird's beaks.
The students learned that all birds are not able to eat the same food due to
these adaptations. Click here for pictures from our lab.
Lots of Learning Has Been Happening in 2nd
We have continued
to learn about different strategies to help us solve simple addition
problems. We have talked about doubles facts (example: 8+8=16) and about
near doubles (example: using 8+8 to help solve 8+9). We have also learned
about combinations of tens, different ways to make 10 (example: 4+6) and making
10 (using a combination of ten to solve a problem that's sum is larger than 10
(example: using 4+6 to solve 4+8 by breaking the 8 into a 6 and a
2). The fifth strategy that we talked about this week is the turn around
facts or the commutative property of addition (example: 7+3=10 and so does
3+7). We also applied what we were learning to writing number stories
(word problems) and solving them.
We have finished
up our rough draft of our first small moment (personal narrative)! The
kiddos have worked so incredibly hard on this piece of writing!! On
Thursday, we started the editing process. The students worked with their
writing partner to make sure that all their sentences started with capital
letters and ended with a punctuation mark. We also talked about proper
nouns and how the specific name of someone, something or some place needs to be
capitalized. We have started to have student/teacher writing conferences
to talk about writing convention goals. Next week, we will meet with our
writing partners again but this time focus on revising (adding, removing, moving
or substituting words) to make our writing even better. On revising day
we talk a lot about word choice. By the end of the week, we will have
started writing our final draft!
This week our reading skill focus has been talking about story
elements of books that we read. When talking about story elements in
second grade we focus on the characters (physical description and their
traits), the setting (when and where), and the problem/solution. It is
important when talking about the solution of a book that the solution solves
the problem of the story (it is related). Throughout the week we have
focused on one these elements in The Gruffalo and on Thursday
the students put all their knowledge together and wrote about these elements
while we read Hotel Bruce. Next week, we will continue
to work on independently identifying the story elements of various books.
The students will also make a fall story elements tree from a book that has
been read!
Word Study
This week was our
last week of practicing spelling trick words. Next week we will start by
working on different vowel patterns within words. Over the next four
weeks our focus will be on long and short vowels. We will first learn
that by adding an "e" to the end of a CVC (consonant, vowel,
consonant) word that will turn the short vowel sound into a long vowel
sound. I like to call it the "Magic e." Next week, we
will focus on short a and long a, and the spelling
words will be: glass, fast, last, snap, sack, make, same,
came, page, face.
We started
talking about rural and urban communities this week. The kids drew a
mural of what rural and urban means to them and it is hanging in the hallway
across from our classroom. They did a great job with it! We also
had a discussion that there is more of a variety of jobs and more jobs in urban
environments; however, some jobs (example: large animal vet) would need to be
in a more rural community. Throughout next week we will continue to talk
about rural and urban, but add in suburban.
a reminder, toys do not come to school unless it is for show & tell for
your child's sticker chart or another classroom celebration. Please help
your child make good choices & keep their toys at home.
I hope that you
have wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Ross
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