Thursday, April 28, 2016

Oreos and Opinions and Lunch Bunch :)

We have two fun parent and student events planned in May.  Your student brought home a sheet about them both today and there is an RSVP to be returned at the bottom of each.

Oreos and Opinions
The students have worked so hard on their opinion writing and would love to share their hard work.  Also, who doesn't love Oreos?  :)  So, why not put them together.  On May 17 from 7:45-8:15, please join us in the classroom so your student can share their awesome opinion writing.  Please fill out the RSVP at the bottom of the invitation and return it with your student.

End of the Year Lunch Bunch
On Tuesday, May 24, we will be having an end of the year lunch bunch for students and their parents (or grandparents, special friend, etc) from 11:00-12:00.  The students will go to recess like normal from 11:00-11:15 and then we will have lunch in the pavilion.  You may bring fast food in for your child if you would like, or they can buy a school lunch or they can bring their lunch from home.  On the permission slip, please make sure to mark what they will be eating for lunch (brought by you, school or brought from home) and also let me know if you will be purchasing a school lunch.  This will be a fun way to celebrate the end of the year.  :)

Runge Field Trip
YEAH!!!!!  Everyone has turned in their permission slips.  If you signed up to be a chaperone, please email me to let me know if I can share your contact information (if so, please send me the information you would like me to share) with other chaperones to possibly coordinate carpooling.

As a reminder, this is the final week or "normal" homework.  Next week, students can do opitinoal homework if they would like.  They can read and practice facts for 15 minutes each night.  If they get this signed at least 3 nights during the week, they can eat lunch in the room on Friday.

Pizza Party
As a reminder, we will be having our Pizza Party for Ms. Rottjakob next Friday, May 6.  Students will not need to bring a lunch that day.  They will still need a snack if they want one in the morning.  I have had a parent volunteer to send in drinks.  If you are willing to send in fruit/veggies, cookies or chips, please let me know.  I will be providing the pizza for everyone.

Have a wonderful evening!

Mrs. Ross

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